Working with Vera completely changed our lives. Vera is both a pleasure to partner with, and this program is highly effective. While we focused on sleep, Vera’s guidance will improve our parenting across the board. We started-out with a 2 hour plus, agonizing bedtime saga — not even a routine! We were tired, and so was our daughter (age 3). Thanks to Vera, we have a lovely routine (one we look forward to, and do not dread), our daughter falls asleep on our own, and wakes up rested! Bedtime is a happy time, now! What is more, our daughter feels empowered; she is so terribly proud of what she accomplished: she can fall asleep on her own, and she knows all the steps to get herself there! We never would have achieved this result without Vera’s experience, guidance, and support. It is not a one-size-fits all program. We had very specific issues and concerns, and Vera was with us all the way — a fantastic partner and guide all in one! I should add: during the time we worked with Vera, we had a new baby, our daughter was ill, and we went on vacation. So, the program really withstood multiple tests! The only regret I have where Vera is concerned is that we did not contact her earlier! We are forever grateful to Vera, and cannot recommend Sleepybird enough.
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